Griffith University (2014-2017)
Redeemer Lutheran College (2018-Current)
Maddi Jones
Teaching ePortfolio
Connect Induction
Connect Session 1 and 2
collection of evidence of learning
What is spirituality?
Theme: Grace & Creation
How is spirituality perceived in Australia?
Key Points:
Significant increase in the amount of Australian's who identify as coming from 'no religion'
Explains reasons why such as it is not to their taste, old fashioned and the profound effect the uncovering of child abuse in the church
However, there is no decline in Australian's 'spirituality' or if they are 'spiritual'
1/5 identify as 'spiritual but not religious'
Self-reflection and reform to better yourself is something religion cannot do. It is up to the individual
Spirituality and morality are inherently linked, and being religious doesn't necessarily mean you are spiritual.
Personal & Critical Reflections:
Why have churches and places of religious practices not develop a sense of spirituality? What has changed?
This makes me reflect on my past experiences in a well-known Christian Church and how even though I was present, I never felt a spiritual connection to WHY I was there. Is it because spirituality is about the ability to self-reflect and continue to improve ones self and at that time I wasn't in the right head space to do so?
What are the important aspects of spirituality from a Lutheran perspective?
Words and Information from Lutheran College Websites:
Faith-based logos
All have the cross
Wave accents (i.e. waters of baptism OR is it because the schools are located near water?)
Themes of growth, hope, grace, faith
Christ-led focus
Home Pages:
Mentioned Christ-centred
Learning and academics (i.e. excellence)
21st-century learners
Holistic learning
Personal and Critical Reflections:
Out of the 5 websites that I visited, Redeemers' initial page and logo did not include a cross compared to the other Lutheran schools. I found this particularly interesting as to why Redeemer has not chosen to feature the cross and the emblem. Is this because we are catering to a community that isn't particularly religious and rather pitch our music and academic programs?
Saint Peters was very excellence based and did not mention Christ on the first page. Motto again references excellent rather than a Christ-centred approach
In what ways might the concept of grace shape Lutheran education communities?
In what ways might the concept of grace inform the understanding of my role and my contribution?
As a Lutheran school, we understand that we are imperfect people and that we need to offer and accept forgiveness and grace. Initially, in my understanding of grace, I thought it was something we gave others in a form of 'cutting them some slack' but through the readings and conversations with other Connect participants and Rachael Stelzer, I see that its more than that. It's the concept of understanding we are already forgiven and that we are able to make mistakes without fear of guilt or shame.
This made me think into my classroom context and how I frequently come 'unhinged' with my students in the form of losing my temper, raising my voice, or making assumptions that the troublesome child had done the wrong thing AGAIN. I understand that I am extremely rigid (more than I care to admit) and set in my ways about how I like to do things and the behaviours I expect to see in others (some may call it being a 'perfectionist', 'control freak' or having 'OCD'). Learning about the concept of grace (properly) has given me a new lense into thinking about how I need to demonstrate to my students HOW to react gracefully or with forgiveness when things haven't gone the right way. The simple act of apologising and forgiving first before anything else, I believe is a powerful tool that I myself need to work on. I hope that in the process of allowing myself to show grace and forgiveness more willingly, will allow my students to do the same.
However, some questions or challenges in my way of thinking that have left unanswered is... are we as teachers, administration and leadership staff showing grace and forgiveness towards each other? I sometimes feel that this is not addressed or displayed. Maybe as an adult, we need to demonstrate grace and forgiveness first before asking our little people to do the same.
What is a flourishing life and 'shalom'?
How does creation theology inform the why and how of Lutheran education?
How are the ideas and information presented CONNECTED to what you already knew?
What new ideas did you get that EXTENDED or pushed your thinking in new directions?
What is still CHALLENGING or confusing for you to get your mind around? What questions, wonderings or puzzles do you have now?
In one Year 3 Christian Studies unit, we look into the creation story and how we, as Christians, have a responsibility to care for God's creations. I have read Genesis 1 and 2 many times myself (to get a thorough understanding) and with the students (to analyze the process of creation i.e. what happened over the 7 events of creation?).
The article by Tom Christenson on 'Paedeutic education' unpacked a concept I was familiar with and that is frequently used in conversation with curriculum and teaching pedagogies. At Redeemer we often refer to teaching 'the whole child' and I believe this is what paedeutic education is.
As I read through the 'Paedeutic education' article, it extended my prior knowledge on the concept of educating the 'whole child'.
It pushed my thinking to consider what parts of the whole-person view am I teaching to my students? Where am I developing and considering through my teaching practice the student's physical, mental, spiritual persons? How am I using my student's hopes, fears, plans, uncertainties, difficulties, habits and loves, to connect with, reinforce, concepts learned in class?
Although I see in our vision statement that we are asking our students to be 'co-creators' within our school and local communities, I struggle to see a continuum of how that is developed from P-12 explicitly? Is this the goal of undertaking PBL aligned units? Do we develop these skills specifically in Christian Studies units?
Tom Christenson refers to many schools regarding students as "mere numbers or names occupying a line in the teachers' grade book". I feel although we say we are developing the 'whole child', we are contradictory in our approach where we do assess students against grade levels, days absent etc. How can we have an approach that allows for connection to students' personal lives without fear of "failing' against the 5 point scale we grade the students on each assessment.
How does creation theology shape an aspect of your work with students?