Griffith University (2014-2017)
Redeemer Lutheran College (2018-Current)
Maddi Jones
Teaching ePortfolio
Connect Induction
Teacher Resume
Demonstration of evidence of professional knowledge, professional practice, and professional engagement:
Knowledge of Students and Effective Practice:
- is involved in implementing 'flipped learning' specifically for Mathematics concepts throughout 2019 and 2020. These videos demonstrated levels of differentiation for students in a concrete/diagram level of understanding through to symbolic understanding and application
- continual involvement in Years 3-9 robotics programs (Sumo, FIRST LEGO League Explore and Challenge)
- Begun and implemented the college's Year 5 Sumo robotics club that is entered in the Gold Coast Robotics Challenge at Dreamworld. Including coaching and coordinating three teams in EV3 sumo battles and programming.
- Begun and coached the college's first junior school middle year's robotics program, First LEGO League Explore in 2020. Two teams were represented at the Rochedale Regional in 2020
- Developed and implemented new LEGO-inspired digital technology units for Year 3 that were trans-disciplinary in approach (i.e. developing a science rover to explore the effects of day and night - science and digital technologies unit).
- Currently liaising with staff in Year 4 to create a continuation of learning and blending into current project-based learning units in 2021
- Developed a P-6 Digital Technologies framework that aligned with current college strategic plans
- Developed a strategic plan for the re purposing of a college space 'The Makery' to align with STEM mindsets, PBL approach and Creative Thinking mindsets.
Professional Learning and Engagement:
- Selected as one of 8 college staff members to be involved in a 'Leading from Within' leadership and middle management course.
- Professional development in key college strategic areas such as PBL (Book Club Participant and PBLDownUnder'21 1.0 - 3 Day Intensive Course), Restorative Practices/ Aristole EI (Restorative Practices - 3 Day Workshop with Marg Thorsborne and upcoming Artistole EI training March 2021), PLD (Promoting Literacy Development - Whole School Literacy Strategy BRISBANE @ Speld), Mathematical Mindsets by Jo Boaler (How to Teach Maths for Teachers 2020 - 30 hour course and Mathematical Mindsets 2021 - 30 hour course) and Apple Teacher Accreditation and Training
- Directed an international tour to Shanghai, China for Team Australia (Good News Lutheran School and Faith Lutheran Redlands) to the World Educational Robotics Championships (WER)
- Hosted the first First LEGO League Rochedale Regional in 2019 and was involved in the organization and implementation of volunteers, judging, and competitive teams.
- Co-directed and hosted First LEGO League Rochedale Regional in 2020 and was involved in a national zoom meeting that discussed the organization and implementation of the competition with COVID-safe practices
- Co-directed and hosted FIRST LEGO League Rochedale Regional in 2021 and hosted the Noosaville Regional and North National Championships.
- was involved in providing professional development and further mentoring of teaching staff at a Lutheran Symposium including Redeemer Lutheran College and Faith Lutheran Redlands in creating and implementing their own 'flipped learning' lessons in 2019
- was involved in providing professional development with teaching staff from multiple Lutheran schools at the Trinity Lutheran College Symposium for implementation of LEGO robotics in project-based learning units.
- Undergoing a Masters of Education (STEM Education)